Opinions Matter…



Axie Barclay,
is a Michigan writer with a cow-habit. Having discovered the joys and potential for growth inalternative agriculture, she quests ever longer and harder for ways to combine farming and writing into a business. When not milking cows, making disgruntled noises at the latest disgusting thing the heeler dogs dredge up, riding horses, or keeping the fence up around her small beef herd, she’s holed up reading an eclectic array of books or tapping out pages. When not working, she enjoys kicking back with her honey, family, and friends at a bonfire with some beers. Chat her up on Twitter and Facebook, /axieb, or http://barclayfarmsandlit.blogspot.com where she delves into literature and agriculture with a relish… and occasionally ketchup. Soon to be homemade.

David Broughton,

Early on, I worked construction often, but had to do whatever job was available during the slack periods, (usually winter, not much building goes on then in Colorado) so I’ve learned a little about a lot of things. A construction accident caused physical limitations that made me have to reevaluate what I could do for a livelihood. So, among other things, I began writing in 2001. The first book I wrote had been in my head for years before that, but I’d never attempted to write the story. From there, I began to learn all about publishing, much of it the hard way, and started working for small publishing companies, one in particular that does children’s books got me started on working with children’s authors, and taught me all about what makes a good children’s book. Though I edit many genres, you’ll notice that I generally review only children’s books, with only an occasional foray into other genres. Conversely, the books I write are far from children’s books. My wife used to help me with the books, primarily in editing them but she also had some of the ideas too. The Circle H Ranch trilogies are more hers than mine. Sadly, she died rather suddenly in April of 2011. I don’t write much anymore, but am trying to get back in the saddle. Reviews have actually been a help, both in helping me write again and giving me something to fill the time.

Jennie A. Harrop has written book reviews for more than a decade for publications that range from major daily newspapers such as the Denver Rocky Mountain News, to literary magazines such as Western American Literature and the Colorado Review. Harrop currently teaches writing and literature at Chemeketa Community College’s Yamhill Valley campus, and works as an affiliate online English professor at both Liberty University in Lynchberg, VA, and Colorado Christian Univeristy in Lakewood, CO. With a Ph.D. in English, an MFA in fiction writing, and a BA in journalism, Harrop also writes children’s books for Oxford University Press, has published more than 100 reviews and articles in the past decade alone, and recently published a critical book titled Angling for Repose: Wallace Stegner and the De-Mythologizing of the American West. She lives in the Portland area with her husband and five children.

Barbara Cothern lives near Portland with her husband and 3 cats. She is most often found with a book in her hand and several back-ups in her bag. She loves that her day job allows time for reading between projects. She has been passionate about books and a fan of the fantasy genre since her mom read The Chronicles of Narnia to her when she was five. When not reading, Barbara enjoys spending time with her husband, watching movies, going to concerts, cooking, knitting and playing video games. Her favorite part about reviewing books is introducing people to wonderful but less publicized books.


Emily Davis, when not reading books, enjoys watching and playing soccer (Go Timbers), as well as hiking in the Gorge/ Forest Park and working as a nanny for three wonderful children. She enjoys studying about feminism, spirituality, and lit theory, and especially finding links between the three. Her favorite author is Isabel Allende, and she is currently enjoying The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. A soon-to-be liberal studies graduate student at Georgetown University, she hopes to be an English teacher when she finishes her degree. Her favorite thing about being a reviewer is having the opportunity to preview new young adult literature, and build up her classroom library for her future students.

Laura Di Giovine is originally from Portland and recently returned to the U.S. after two years in Italy. While there, she wrote a blog about her experiences: www.chasingcappuccinos.com. An avid reader, she enjoys writing book reviews about literary, historical and fantasy fiction, in particular. In her spare time, Laura loves writing, traveling and spending time with her husband and son.
Laura currently lives in Chicago and works in the publishing industry. She is also a freelance editor and writer and can be found on the web at www.lauradigiovine.com.

Sheli Ellsworth is a free-lance writer and mother of two teenagers who lives in Thousand Oaks, CA. She has a master’s degree in psychology used mainly to annoy family and friends.
Her writing has been published in the Pacific Daily News, the Ventura County Star, BackHome magazine, Auto Week, Zone4 and she also writes Dear Miss Betty-advice for those who need to be slapped for Spotlight on Recovery.

George Erdosh is a culinary scientist, food writer, and certified cooking teacher with a strong science and research background (Ph.D., McGill University, Montreal). He is the author of 10 published food-related books: a six-book series for young readers Cooking Throughout American History and The African-American Kitchen; Start and Run a Catering Business (in its 4th edition, translated into five languages),Tried and True Recipes from a Caterer’s Kitchen and What Recipes Don’t Tell You, as well as numerous articles and magazines and newspapers.
Originally an exploration geologist, he switched career to be a high-end caterer, a business he ran for more than 10 years, before switching to food writing and running cooking classes.George Erdosh

Rhonda Fischer – College-Eastman School of Music. Journalism at The University of New Mexico. Rhonda performed and taught piano for 33 years. Her love and writing of poetry started when she was in high school. She now writes articles for Kansas City Star, LA Times, World News, American Chronicle, Associated Content, WP News, and several magazines. She is the author of the award-winning children’s book Randy Kazandy, Where Are Your Glasses? Rhonda is a book reviewer for large publishing houses, and self publishers. She is an agent for Auryn Animation in Los Angeles. “Bringing books to life.” Being the CEO/Founder of Whim Publishing keeps her on her toes. She is a member of the SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators)

Elizabeth Franklin is a substitute teacher in Northern California. She earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, graduated from high school and college with honors, earned her law degree, has travelled extensively and volunteers countless hours of community service. Degrees include her Bachelor’s Degree in American Studies from Scripps College and a Juris Doctorate Degree from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. Elizabeth has worked at the Sacramento Office of the Public Defender, volunteers with Hands On Sacramento, and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Friends of the Library and Project Birthday. She enjoys working with young readers at her local library and loves anything having to do with cats. Her favorite hobbies include trading Disney pins, playing the piano and reading new and interesting books. She especially likes finding a new series to follow as she reviews books for the Portland Book Review.

Kathryn Franklin No, you are not reading a duplicate entry. My name is Kathryn Franklin, the younger twin sister of Elizabeth Franklin (by two minutes). I am proud to have been a reviewer with the Portland Book Review since its inception. I received my BA from Scripps College, majoring in American Studies. I earned my Juris Doctor from University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law. I love crafting, especially scrapbooking, sewing, painting, and making Christmas ornaments. Anything Disney is right up my alley. I’m an avid volunteer and I love the adventure of travel.

Kathleen Godwin Still among my most loved possessions are the Nancy Drew and Laura Ingalls Wilder sets that, as a child, I kept so carefully on the bookshelf next to my canopied bed. I could usually be found with a book in tow, sometimes with a doodlebug clasped in my other small hand. As a grandchild of booksellers, I often found myself wandering the aisles of a distributer’s warehouse in delight among the freshly printed titles and having the ability to choose one or two for my brother and myself. It was mostly my grandfather and me on these ventures which included our regular trips to the downtown Houston library with its massive marble floors and imposing granite steps. I could spend hours exploring the stacks in that musty old place, and usually did. These are fond memories still. Balancing on those uneven, wooden library floors my interests grew more toward non-fiction where it has pretty much stayed today.
Life goes on and now I find myself with my husband in the beautiful state of Oregon – a state I had always been drawn to for my love of pioneer history and the women of that era. Along the way I have studied and received my Master’s Degree in Gerontology where most of my writing has been devoted. I have traveled to almost every state and am just starting to build my elephant collection back again to its full glory. Yes, I am a ‘quiet’ tree hugger and most passionate about ‘Saving the Elephants’ of this small world we live in. I am happy to share my book reviews with everyone and to be a part of this family that is Portland Book Review.

Seniye Groff, MEd is the owner of Groff Solutions, a consulting practice focused on human resources, training, management coaching and organizational development initiatives. She has authored articles and spoken at national conferences on best practices for effective training. Seniye volunteers with Dress for Success since 1999. She has found her experience with Dress for Success particularly rewarding because she is able to help women make long lasting changes in their own lives. You will find Seniye at the gym six days a week. She also spends time with her daughters. She is an avid cook (hence the gym) and reader. Seniye is also a reviewer for Elle Magazine.

Jamais Jochim is a hyper-kinetic freelance writer with a few books and a webcomic under his belt. He has a two blogs (one about writing comics and one about how to survive puberty), as well as a podcast about webcomics (wcri.info). Hoping to get into scriptwriting, he is also an avid table-top gamer. He likes reading science fiction, sequential art, and business books as well as the occasional bit of science, philosophy and art. Otherwise, he just likes to watch television…

Catherine McMullen lives with her family in SW Portland and has worked in public libraries since 2004. Currently she is the Project Librarian for Improving Library Services to the Spanish-speaking Community at the Canby (OR) Public Library. Originally from northern California, she has a BA in Comparative Literature from the University of California in Davis and a MLIS from University of Washington in Seattle. Before moving to Portland last year, she worked in public libraries in Bozeman and Butte, Montana. Catherine went after her first library job shelving books because she loved being surrounded by them and went on to became a librarian because she enjoys helping people find the information they need to succeed and enjoy life. Being a reviewer allows Catherine the opportunity to read more broadly than she would otherwise with a normal busy schedule. She enjoys hiking, gardening, BBQs, bargain hunting, and reading with her young child

Ryder W. Miller is an environmental reporter, independent scholar, critic, and eco-critic who writes about Nature, Astronomy, the Sea, Academic books, Art, American Literature, and Genre Literature. He also writes short stories (usually genre stories) and poems. He is the editor of From Narnia to a Space Odyssey and co-writer of San Francisco: A Natural History. He is currently looking for a publisher for a book of Nature Writing/News Columns called An Ocean Beach Diary (published in The West Portal Monthly and Redwood Coast Review), and a collection of genre stories (many already published in Mythic Circle and The Lost Souls website). He has published on the web what could be a book collection of essays about science fiction and fantasy. He is also working on a anthology of Environmental stories called Green Visions. Following the dictum of C.S. Lewis he has come to believe that it is easier to criticize than understand, but not every book is worthwhile or a contribution.

Jina Oravetz works full time, but reads and writes every spare chance available. She has a bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in Communication Arts from Linfield College. She also belongs to Willamette Writers. Oravetz volunteers for the Arts Alliance of Yamhill County and has published articles in the AAYC quarterly, fall and summer 2010 editions. She belongs to a local writing critique group that meets often. What she loves best about being a reviewer is discovering new books and authors and expanding her personal library. She especially enjoys reviewing new authors because she understands how hard publicizing and platform building can be. Outside of the literary world, Oravetz has worked full time in the insurance industry for over four years and occasionally teaches classes that help individuals maneuver their benefits. She enjoys public speaking and is available for individual or group consults regarding a variety of topics including: technical writing, technology, pitching/public speaking, and insurance help. She can be found online at Jina Oravetz as well as LinkedIn.com and other social websites.


Diane Prokop – A freelance writer for almost 20 years, Diane Prokop has strong opinions about literature and music and she’s always happy to share them. She started her writing career as a public relations specialist and then began writing about jewelry techniques for many magazines including Jewelry Artist, Rock & Gem, and Jewelry Craft. Signed first editions are her weakness as are Portland food carts. When she’s not reading, she spends her free time posting on her blog about the books and music she is passionate about. She and her husband and their two English Setters live in Portland, Oregon. Follow her blog at www.dianeprokop.com or chat with her on Twitter (dianeprokop)


Corey Pung – My reading taste is pretty diverse, ranging from 19th century classics to comic books. Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time blogging and making poorly animated cartoons for youtube. I’ve also written and self-published a book titled The Madness of Art: Short Stories, now available in paperback and as an ebook. You can find me on just about every social networking site there is. When I’m not shamelessly shilling my book, I’m writing about little known classic films and under-appreciated novels or just sharing corny jokes with the world.

LuAnn Schindler – A native Nebraskan, she earned a Bachelors Degree in English, Speech, and Journalism from Hastings College. She and her husband, Scott, live on the eastern slope of the Nebraska Sandhills. The couple have a blended family: 7 children and 4 grandchildren. LuAnn freelances full-time and coaches high school speech and drama. A former editor of InPosse literary magazine, LuAnn writes a weekly column for several Nebraska newspapers and freelances for regional and national publications. LuAnn also blogs for The Muffin, the daily blog forWOW! Women on Writing. Join in the conversation at luannschindler.com She’s also on Twitter and Facebook at twitter.com/luannschindler and facebook.com/luannschindler.

Debbie Suzuki is a quality engineer working for Adobe Inc. In her free time, she loves to read and blog. Reading has always been a favorite past time since she was a small child. She would spend her afternoons at the library reading or spending time with the librarians. This pattern has continued as she worked in her high school and university library. In 2005, she earned her Master of Library Science from San Jose State University and hopes to one day work as a young adult librarian. Some of her favorite genres to read are historical and paranormal romances and young adult fiction. In 2008, she started her blog, Debbie’s World of Books, debbiesworldofbooks. Stop by to check out book reviews, giveaways, author interviews and more.


Alicea Swett lives in the Pacific Northwest and stays busy as a wife, and mother of two sprightly girls. She has worked as a book and magazine merchandiser and a barista. These days, however, you can find her in her kitchen, tackling culinary classics such as Julia Child’s coq a vin; proudly presenting them to a family that would be perfectly happy with chili-mac. Music makes her happy and she almost always has a concert on the horizon. If you stood outside her kitchen window, you would hear everything from Edith Piaf to the Avett Brothers. She has an intense eagerness to experience all things European and an intense lack of funds to support such eagerness. She loses herself easily in bookstores; coveting new books the way other girls covet shoes. Beyond cookbooks, she is most interested in history: biographies, memoirs….anything true. She is happy to be writing for Portland Book Review.

Rachelle Barrett has been writing since she could hold a pen and reading before that. The reason her purse is often so heavy has less to do with the two kids she and her husband are raising and more to do with the need for space to hold the book she is currently reading, and the back up in case she finishes the first one. Reading is a passion she feels should be shared, and book reviews help inspire choices readers may not have made if left to their own devices. She currently resides in Salem, Oregon with her husband, daughter and son.

Stacia Levy teaches academic writing and reading skills at the University of the Pacific. She also has taught creative writing at the University of the Pacific and the University of California, Davis. Publishing credits include several short stories and a novel, California Gothic, a story of romantic suspense set in a winery in Napa. She lives in Sacramento, California with her husband Mark and daughter Shoshana. In her free time she enjoys writing, dining out, and karate.

Ellison G. Weist is originally from South Carolina but wound up in Portland 16 years ago after visiting an old college buddy. Reader, she married him. A former corporate sales rep and later book reviewer for the Portland Tribune she now makes her living as a freelance writer and editor. When she’s not reading a book; thinking about books; buying books; planning on what to read next or attending an author reading, Ellison enjoys distance running and wine-tasting. She lives with her anti-clutter husband (read: too many books on the floor), Karl, in Northeast Portland.

Michael Barton is a Portland-based writer and blogger. He received his Masters in History from Montana State University in Bozeman in 2010, focusing on the history of science. His research looked at the support given to Darwin by the physicist John Tyndall in the early 1870s. Michael is passionate about science (and its history) and nature education. He blogs at both The Dispersal of Darwin and Exploring Portland’s Natural Areas. His wife Catherine McMullen also reviews for PBR. They have a young son and a forthcoming daughter.

Elizabeth Goss is freelance illustrator with a serious reading addiction. A graduate of Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts, Elizabeth works in a variety of traditional and digital media, but specializes in cut paper and collage. She especially enjoys reviewing picture books, but also loves fantasy, classics, and biographies. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, drawing outside, baking, and building wooden boats. That’s right, wooden boats. To learn more about Elizabeth, check out her website lizabethgoss.com.

Sophie Sestero has loved to read since she first got her hands on a Berenstain Bears book as a toddler.  This could be why a love for children’s books remains alongside an affinity for arts, popular fiction, pop-culture, film, historical fiction, and the occasional business book reviews. Currently, Sophie lives in Boise, Idaho and works for a public relations agency.  A background for writing comes from a Journalism and Mass Communication degree from Whitworth University, and time spent as editor of the collegiate newspaper.

Fran Byram attended the University of Idaho, and a few years ago completed a course in art from Clackamas Community College. Her career was mostly spent as a 911 operator and dispatcher for police and fire departments. After escaping that stressful job she spent several years working as a graphic artist, designing everything from catalogs to food labels. Having raised four children as a single parent while working full time, she is more than delighted to have time to read and review books for Portland Book Review. Fran is now happily retired, and besides being an avid reader, she is also loves gardening, oil painting, camping, and playing poker with friends. When not engaged in those pursuits, she enjoys her dozen grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.

Jesse Freedman holds degrees in history from Amherst College and Oxford University. His work has appeared in a number of publications, including The Philadelphia Inquirer, Rain Taxi Review of Books, and The Literary Review. He lives and works in Seattle.