Meet M. Chris Johnson, Editor-in-Chief

Hello! I’m Chris Johnson. For the last two years I have been a book reviewer for Sacramento Book Review and San Francisco Book Review. I’ve loved every minute of it and wanted even more. In February 2010, I was laid off from my job of six years. I didn’t know what I wanted to do but knew I didn’t want to go back to the corporate world. I wanted to live the dream, my dream; sharing the joy of reading and writing with people who love it as much as I do. I realized that Portland Book Review is me…that everything I’ve done in my life has led me to this…Portland Book Review.

In high school, I was editor of the school paper for two years and yearbook for four years. I spent years and years doing customer service jobs; fast food, restaurants, bars, call centers and retail. Then, I tried my hand at sales and did well but I didn’t know why. I hated it! It was stressful, embarrassing and a lot of work. The last several years have been spent being a supervisor in various call center jobs. All of this to say that I was gaining experience to do this!

I cannot believe that this is really happening in my life and  that I am going to be doing what I truly love. I cannot wait to see where my life will go from here. Thanks for joining me on this ride!

Meet Joseph Arellano – Column Coordinator for Writers on Writing and The Reader’s Perspective

Joseph Arellano has a background in law and communications. He served as a government agency Public Information Officer, and has done pre-publication review and editing work for a publisher based in England. His book critiques have appeared in several publications including San Francisco Book Review. He and his wife live in Elk Grove, California.

Meet Catherine Gilmore, Associate Editor

I read, then read some more. I have my degree in English Literature and have spent the last 8 years as an information professional doing research, report writing and editing at a private equity firm and a pharmaceutical company. I’ve also designed scientific and medical databases but none of that excites me as much as being a part of Portland Book Review. I started writing reviews and am now editing, posting reviews and managing our Facebook page. When I’m not reading, I’m writing reviews for the Library Journal, gardening, watching movies or volunteering at the library (where sometimes I can be found reading).


Meet Samantha Karp – Intern

In a perfect world I would have graduated college roughly two years ago and started living the lavish lifestyle of fictitious writer, Carrie Bradshaw. However my costly tuition and vacillating interests have hindered that from happening. I’m hoping and praying to finish my bachelors by winter, even if that means forgoing sleep altogether. I like to read but I love to write, it alleviates my stress; it’s my Xanax. Therefore, I’m thrilled and grateful for the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a field I thoroughly enjoy. When I’m not writing or sitting through a lecture I’m usually waiting tables at a small, charming Italian restaurant. And by the end of my day I typically find myself fused to the couch with a glass of wine.

Meet Whitney Roscoe – Intern

In just a few short months I will be completing my BA in English from Portland State University. For as long as I can remember I have been a compulsive reader, there is truly nothing quite like the rush of reading a good book for the first time. I love the sensation of being swept away in an epic fantasy or spooky ghost story most of all. When I am not reading, I also enjoy walking my dog and crocheting.


Meet Galina Roizman – Intern

Many things that happen to us we can’t predict. Thus, the former Soviet Union citizen, even in my wildest dreams I couldn’t imagine that life would give me the opportunity to live in Israel, visit many European countries, travel to Canada and Hawaii, or bring me to Portland with its gorgeous natural surrounding and rich and affluent cultural and literary life. I like to travel, but reading books always was my most favorable activity. I wasn’t satisfied with my MS degree from technical Russian University. Love for humanities and English brought me back to school and last year I’ve obtained a Bachelor degree in English Language and Literature from PSU. Now, while pursuing an MA degree in Professional/ Technical Writing I enjoy being an intern at Portland Book Review.


Meet Michael Johnson, Web Monkey


A friend got a new cell toy I’m the guinea pig.

When I was a child I liked the pictures when I grew older I learned to read and write. Code is poetry.

I have worked in software industry since 1998 hats that I have worn include call center tech droid for Symantec, QA Annalist for Intel,  Xerox, Lexmark and Business Objects. Sysadmin for a Nonprofit. Volunteer at

Passions include cooking and good art house/indie films, anything open source related walking on the beach at sunset/sunrise and, juggling kittens.