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Interview with Hart Getzen

by Bronwen Winter Phoenix from 

with permission

It’s an exciting time for Hart Getzen, the author of new series of novels Echo’s Revenge, the first of which, The Ultimate Game, is officially launching in May. The story centers on two brothers, Reggie and Jeremy, who are forced to rely on not only their master gaming skills, but their loyalty, intelligence, and ability to work together, as their strengths are really put to the test – and they also have to deal with one of the most extreme gaming predators ever designed, come to life!

Writing as Sean Austin, Getzen’s series of books are aimed specifically at the young gamer (teen and tween) audience, yet behind his action-packed story is a serious attempt to educate the reader into the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) frameworks that are likely to shape the world of tomorrow.

Bronwen Winter Phoenix took a few minutes to talk to new author about The Ultimate Game, his ideas behind the story, fictional predators, and barbecue joints.

Bronwen: Hello Hart – or should it be Sean? Thanks for agreeing to the interview. How are you today?
Getzen: Thanks for talking to me today. And it’s Hart, although I sort of ‘channel’ and am a spokesperson for Sean. It’s a complex relationship.

Bronwen: So your new novel, The Ultimate Game, is set to take young gamers by storm; it’s actually based on a scenario that gamers dream of, in the way that the main character, Reggie King, actually manages to beat the Master level of a game and gets the attention of the developers. Immediately, the story pulls you in, and to a gamer like me it’s an interesting concept. And it just gets more interesting from there! Can you tell us how you came up with the story, what inspired you to write it?
Getzen: I happen to have a son who read a lot early on, and then started to slide over to video games when he was 8. When he was older, he was playing some light horror RPG one day when I asked him what book he was reading when he wasn’t gaming. He said he wasn’t reading a book at the time because he liked scary games, and no book could compare with scary video games because game are so realistic and he didn’t like fairy tales any more. So I got an idea and said, “So, you like to be afraid, huh? Okay, I’ll write a scary story for you, and it’s based on my friend Sean Austin, so it’s real, too!” To which he replied, “Yeah, right, Dad…” as he fell back into the game world.

Bronwen: In the story, Echo-7 is the most extreme predator ever designed – the perfect killing machine, and it can cloak! How did you come up with such a character?
Getzen: I study a lot of engineering issues and new technologies as they come up. I also spent many years designing and producing simulation experiences for Hitachi, Imax, and others, as well as working with defense contractors to support these emerging technologies. A big part of simulation entertainment is designing compelling characters and creatures in the CGI realm, and then pulling them into a simulated reality by using 3D imaging, acoustics, and interactive G-forces. So, I pretty much took everything I knew about the state of the art of engineering, game theory, and character design and created my own personal worst nightmare: a creature which changes its appearance depending on your own greatest fears. The creature not only echos its prey’s greatest fears, but it can be cloak itself so that it is undetectable until the moment it needs to be seen.

Bronwen: What are your favorite fictional predators from popular culture?
Getzen: I love the predator design in the Predator film that Joel Hynek helped develop as its Visual Effects Supervisor. When I worked with Joel on another project he said that he always tried to “prepare the audience’s perceptions for what they were about to experience” which was a wonderful, organic, psychological approach to visual effects. I recalled his words as I wrote the scenes where ECHO appeared out of nowhere. I also love Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, old Golem folk stories, and the Beauty and the Beast tales. I’m fascinated with the idiosyncrasies and potential beauty in monsters’ personalities.

Bronwen: So, the book is already out on Kindle, what made your publishers decide to release the online version first, and when will the paperback be out?
Getzen: The ebook came out as a beta version early, so that we could fine tune the print version. It was an immensely valuable experience. Especially since I wrote the book with a shifting perspective and withheld certain details, like gamers experience travelling through game environments and getting new information at different levels. This is really a book specifically for video gamers. I also like to think of editions of the book as versions, so we call it V 1.0 when the physical book is released, and then create revised versions of it as reality game elements are introduced into the text. The final V 1.0 ebook will be up at the beginning of May, 2012.

Bronwen: Another interesting angle is that this series of books also hold an educational purpose, doesn’t they, in that you want to educate young people about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) frameworks – can you tell us why these are so important, and what made you decide to go down this route?
Getzen: What makes the novel so intriguing for a lot of readers is that I’ve stuck to reality, whether it’s geography, technology, game development, or barbecue locations, so I expand on that at the website, At we very loosely continue the story with updates about characters, technology, book reviews, game reviews, and a whole section of the site, “Echo’s 99.99%”, where there are links to STEM enrichment and other forms of personal development. A big part of what’s so fun about this story is pulling the curtain back and letting the gamers see how games are made, what the politics are like. This is especially true in the second book, The Other Side, where we find out how the game was created and exactly what went wrong. Basically the same story from the designers’ perspective, and still real-tech.

Bronwen: Do you think after reading these books, young people will be fuelled to learn more about STEM education and opportunities?
Getzen: Many readers can’t help but want to learn about how the cloaking technology covered in the first 2 books has actually come to life in a real military application. If they click on the “Lightcoat” video on the right hand side of the home page they’ll see a video of a real application of the stealth technology described in the second book. This stealth technology came to life after the books were written, but follows the same principles in a slightly different way.

Bronwen: Of course, there’s your website, too (, which is very impressive! Will there be updated regularly, and what else can we look forward to on
Getzen: will be the home base for the reality game, the novels and a whole lot of fascinating links to what’s going on around the world in all of these areas. It will also feature some of the very best barbecue joints across the U.S.

Bronwen: And talking of the internet, can you tell me a bit about the Echo’s Revenge Reality Game, scheduled to commence on May 15th 2015 as mentioned on the AAA Reality Games website?
Getzen: I can’t say much because it’s in development. The game will use all of the websites associated with the novels. Later versions of the novels will include embedded code, data, leads and more for the reality game. The game will begin with a simple whack-a-mole activity on the website. Robotic elements will sense certain human and natural activities, and other robots will actuate related activities. GPS and QR codes will be used. That’s all I can say about the game right now.

Bronwen: In the past videos games have sometimes gotten a bad rap in the news (perhaps unfairly), what with growing obesity rates, incidents of violence etc. – in what ways do you think video games are good for young people, in terms of stimulating their minds, problem-solving etc.? In your opinion, does the good outweigh the (supposed) bad?
Getzen: I’m a simple person. The simple answer for me is the same as everything else from diet to using the telephone: Do everything in balance at the proper level and you probably won’t have a problem. When the telephone came to humanity, many people thought it would be the end of civilization. There are many reports that video games are extremely beneficial in certain regards. But so are vitamins. Do I want to take vitamins all day? In my family, we don’t play video games at all during the week. We go to school, and work. We goof off on the weekends, but even then we don’t spend all our time in video games. We do a lot of different things like read, hike, surf- if we’re lucky, and help each other do things. So it’s all about balance and common sense.

Bronwen: How long did Echo’s Revenge take to write?
Getzen: Off and on for five years, whenever I had time.

Bronwen: And it’s a series – have you got it all planned out, and how many books can we expect?
Getzen: The first four are already conceived, outlined, or written. My guess is at least three more after that.

Bronwen: And finally, can you tell us about your early inspirations as a writer – what made you want to write in the first place, any favorite authors you grew up reading?
Getzen: I hated writing as a kid, and I read only non-fiction. Science, hypnotism, fish, bugs, that kind of stuff. I wrote a lot in the simulation and film industries, mainly to fix story problems related to technical issues. Now I love to read everything from Chekhov, Dmitri Glukhovsky, Steven King, Mark Twain to lots of YA fiction, like Holes.

Bronwen: Interesting, so it’s something you kind of grew into, then. Well, thanks very much for taking the time to answer these questions, Hart. I wish you all the best with the series, and good luck!


By Sheli Ellsworth

Susan Orlean’s current best-seller, Rin Tin Tin: The Life and the Legend, drew a standing room only crowd at the Paley Media Center in LA on October 12. And yes, her book is about the dog known as Rin Tin Tin. The non-fiction book about the German Shepherd rescued by the American soldier, Lee Duncan, during WWI in France, drew German Shepherd lovers from all around—and even an actual German Shepherd. Orlean showed clips from the silent movie, “Clash of Wolves” and the television series, “The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin.”

The author, who also does free-lance writing, said she ran across the story while writing an article for a magazine about animal actors. Orleans credits the success of the book to finding an amazing story. After listening to several excerpts, I realized that the book’s success was due to the caliber of Orlean’s writing—not the story.

Susan Orlean is a writer for The New Yorker along with the likes of E.B. White and J.D. Salinger. Her style is literary, genuine, and soulfully honest. She had the crowd eating out of her hands in no time. Her first book was The Orchid Thief, for which the film, “Adaptation,” starring Meryl Streep, was based.

“The first obstacle I had to overcome was the idea that Rin Tin Tin was a real dog, not just a character,” Orlean said. The German Shepherd breed was developed in the late 1800s. They were used as military dogs in WWI by many counties. After the start of WWII, the US decided to get in on the trend, but had to ask citizens to donate their pets for military service to obtain enough dogs. As many as 80 different German Shepherds eventually starred in film and television after the war. “There was a figurine of Rin Tin Tin on my grandfather’s desk that we weren’t allowed to touch,” said Orlean. “The soldier who rescued Rinty, as he was called, trained dogs before the war. He entered Rinty in a dog show. Someone was trying out an experimental moving film camera and caught Rinty hurdling a 12-foot wall on film. Then they sold the clip to a studio who ran it before movies.”  Before long, Lee Duncan was getting residual checks. .” Rin Tin Tin’s first starring role was in the 1923 film “Where the North Begins,” which is credited with saving Warner Brother’s from bankruptcy.” He was actually awarded the very first Oscar, but then it was decided that a dog shouldn’t be the first awardee.”

“Rin Tin Tin became an iconic hero,” said Orlean. “He was a stroke of luck in a luckless time …”


Sheli Ellsworth is a free-lance writer and mother of two teenagers who lives in Thousand Oaks, CA. She has a master’s degree in psychology used mainly to annoy family and friends. Her writing has been published in the Pacific Daily News, the Ventura County Star, BackHome magazine, Auto Week, Zone4 and she also writes Dear Miss Betty-advice for those who need to be slapped forSpotlight on Recovery.

By Scott Lorenz, Westwind Communications, Book Marketing

Overview: Book fairs are wonderful places to  interact with fellow authors and publishers, network with book industry  leaders, locate the help you need such as a publicist or book editor,  and learn what’s new in the marketplace. Includes a list of book fairs  and events that are worthy of your attendance.

Authors who want to sell books need to do what anyone else with a  product needs to do – find the place in the marketplace where your  buyers can be found. And, in the case of authors, readers will be found  in largest numbers at book fairs, festivals and conferences.

Book fairs and festivals are held every season around the world so  it’s a fairly easy task to locate one to promote your book. As an  internet book marketing specialist, I am the first to impress on authors  the new and powerful marketing avenues open to all authors on the  Internet – from book websites to book trailers to social networks like  Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. While these are fantastic tools when used  properly, authors should never overlook opportunities to meet the  reading public face-to-face.

Book fairs usually want speakers. By volunteering to speak, the  author not only gains great exposure but can also add that appearance to  their resume and press releases. But plan ahead; dates for panel  participants, speakers and autograph sessions are arranged months in  advance.

Book fairs are excellent places to interact with fellow authors,  publishers, network with book industry leaders, locate the help you need  such as a publicist or book editor, and learn what’s new in the  marketplace. For more information about book marketing visit and for upcoming book events on C-SPAN2 visit: For a great blog about book fairs by the LA Times go to

Here’s a list of upcoming book fairs and events that are worthy of your attendance in 2011.

  • Harlem Book Festival, July 23, 2011, West 135th Street, NYC
  • The Atlanta Black Book Expo, August 6, 2011 at the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park, GA.
  • Decatur Book Festival, Sept. 2-5, 2011, Decatur,  GA,  largest independent book festival in the country. Since its launch,  more than 600 authors and 190,000 attendees have attended this event in  downtown Decatur.
  • Fall For the Book Festival, Sept. 18-23, 2011, George  Mason University’s Fairfax Campus, Fairfax, VA., sponsored by George  Mason University, Fairfax County Public Library and Barnes & Noble.  Attended by more than 150 authors.
  • Baltimore Book Festival, Sept. 23-25, 2011, attracts more than 100 authors.
  • Sonoma County Book Festival, September 24, 2011, Old Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa, CA. attended by thousands of book lovers.
  • West Hollywood Book Fair, October 1, 2011, at West Hollywood Park, more than 180 exhibitors expected.
  • Frankfurt Book Fair, October 12-16, 2011 in Frankfort, Germany. Considered the biggest book show in the world.
  • Southern Festival of Books: A Celebration of the Written Word October 14-16, 2011, War Memorial Plaza, Nashville, TN, attracts more than 200 authors from throughout the U.S.
  • Texas Book Fair, October 22-23, 2011, State Capitol Building, Austin, TX, established in 1995 by First Lady Laura Bush, a former librarian, more than 45,000 attend.
  • Kentucky Book Fair, Saturday, November 12, 2011, Frankfort Convention Center, attended by up to 5,000 people including 150 authors

The bottom line: Make it a priority to visit a book fair in the coming weeks and months. You’ll be glad you did!

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to  help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works  with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types  of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled  publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers,  Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have  been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News,  New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington  Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few. Learn more about  Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at or contact Lorenz at or by phone at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist