Archives for category: Romance

By Linda Lael Miller
HQN, $7.99, 384 pages

In the small quiet town of Stone Creek, Arizona, the local District Attorney, Melissa O’Ballivan didn’t suspect that her life was about to go from boring routine to life-altering change. Meanwhile, attorney Steven Creed had become a single dad when his best friends died and named him in their wills as guardian of their five-year-old son Matt. Steven left his Denver law firm and bought a ranch near some of his relatives in Stone Creek. There was immediate and intense attraction between the two lawyers. But when faced with a case which would have them opposing each other in court, they realized that their budding relationship would not work out. While Matt plots to bring them together, circumstances drive them further apart.

Linda Lael Miller has authored more than a hundred historical and contemporary novels, most set in Western locations. A New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, she grew up in the Northport, Washington and now lives in Spokane. A Creed in Stone Creek is an enjoyable read with an adorable little boy and his dog adding great sentimentality to a romantic story.

Reviewed by Fran Byram

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By Victoria Alexander
Zebra, $7.99, 374 pages

Victoria Alexander introduces us to a new family, the Hadley-Attwaters, in the first book in her new series all about sinful secret lives. What is unique is that the story begins two years after happily-ever-after with married couple, Adrian and Evelyn, who are still very much in love. Evelyn is a smart fearless female protagonist who married her husband because she was tired of excitement and instead wanted stability. Adrian, the head of the Hadley-Attwaters, with several siblings that are sure to dominate the following books in the series, seemed to offer just what Evelyn needed. The thing about a good marriage, that this couple fails to realize, is that a spouse is more than a lover; they are also a confidante and partner. While their marriage seems perfect, even to them, it is lacking in fundamental trust. So it is no surprise that things get hairy when each of their past lives, which they have agreed never to talk about, invades their current lives. This book is not about falling in love like so many other romance novels, it is really about how to be in love. While not particularly suspenseful or steamy, My Wicked Little Lies is a charming introduction to what promises to be a complex series. And of course it contains the humor and close knit family that Alexander’s fans have come to expect.

Reviewed by Rachelle Barrett

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By Kresley Cole
Gallery Books, $25.00, 505 pages

Lothaire, the enemy of old, is one of the oldest living immortals left in lore. A vampire of immeasurable power and ultimate evil, he has found his bride at last. Elizabeth (Ellie) Peirce is a human with an unfortunate problem: Saroya the Soul Reaper, a goddess of death, is trapped inside her body. As she fights to save herself from the evil Lothaire, who seeks to banish her soul and resurrect Saroya, will she instead lose her heart to the dangerous vampire?

The 12th book in the Immortals After Dark series, this novel by Kresley Cole is everything it promises to be and more. It not only delivers the exceptional romance and intrigue that readers have come to expect from Cole, but it also provides readers a much sought-after glimpse into the history of Nix and her relationship with Lothaire. With wit and gumption, Ellie worms her way into the reader’s heart. While the story seems to drag a little in some sections, it is still an amazing read. All in all, this book is a great continuation of a fabulous series.

Reviewed by Rebecca Feuerbacher

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By Julie Garwood
Dutton, $26.95, 322 pages

Ellie Sullivan is the top surgeon in a Chicago area trauma center. After witnessing a shooting, in which an agent was injured, she also becomes an important witness to the FBI. Max Daniels can’t explain it, but he is compelled by Ellie and her iron will wrapped in a charming vulnerability. What Max doesn’t realize is that Ellie not only needs protection from the FBI’s most wanted but also from the insane stalker from her past.

The Ideal Man by Julie Garwood is a great story with interesting characters but it felt like it was missing something. Once you finished you felt like you needed to go back and read it again, not because it was that good, but because you are left with an unfinished feeling, like something was left out. Julie Garwood is an amazing author who has a long history of great romances. However, this book lacks the romance that readers have come to expect from Garwood. In The Ideal Man Garwood has written great popular fiction but if it is romance you are looking for, look somewhere else.

Reviewed by Rebecca Feuerbacher

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By Rebecca York
Berkley Sensation, $7.99, 295 pages

Rebecca York’s Dark Warrior is the story of Sophia Thalia and Jason Tyron. As an Ionian Priestess, Sophia must adhere to a specific way of life. The Ionian sisterhood dates back to ancient times when the psychically gifted sisters made a pact with the Minot warriors. But the warriors proved too overbearing and wanted only to dominate the proud sisterhood. Now thousands of years later the sisterhood remains resolute in their hatred of the Minot. Sophia is torn, she has met a Minot warrior, Jason, and finds him compelling. His powerful magnetism calls to her. While trying to protect her sisters and still remain true to herself, Sophia must walk a thin line between love and loyalty.

The Dark Warrior storyline is interesting and had such potential but, unfortunately this novel fails to deliver. Sophia lacks the ability to make a decision and stick to it. She distrusts herself, Jason, and the sisterhood, resulting in a heroine that is a bit irritating. The novel doesn’t fully flesh out Jason’s character; he is merely a bit player in a story about the Ionian Sisterhood. While the intimate scenes should be sizzling hot, they are flat and lifeless. Unless you are a huge Rebecca York fan this is definitely one to skip.

Reviewed by Rebecca Feuerbacher

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By Stephanie Chong
Mira, $7.99, 340 pages

Julian Ascher is a demon, and a very good one at that, but after corrupting souls for centuries he has become bored. Interestingly he finds a delightful challenge in the stunningly beautiful and wonderfully innocent Serena St.Claire. Determined to protect her charge, a rising Hollywood star, Serena enters into a bargain with Julian, one that puts her own soul in danger. While resolving to save her charge, Serena fears she may lose her own soul to the devastatingly handsome and devilishly charming Julian.

Where Demons Fear to Tread by Stephanie Chong looks to be the first in her new “The Company of Angels” series. While Where Demons Fear to Tread is enjoyable it is also very forgettable. The story is alright, the idea, unique, but the characters are not memorable and not easy to relate to. Author Chong shows promise though and while Where Demons Fear to Tread is not all you wish it would be, readers would do well to keep an eye out for her future works.

Reviewed by Rebecca Feuerbacher

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By Lori Handeland
St. Martin’s, $7.99, 336 pages

Gina O’Neill is fiercely protective of her ranch – left to her by her parents after their tragic deaths for which she blames herself. Gina will let nothing stand in the way of protecting the family legacy. So when archeologist Mateo Mecate arrives to try and dig on Gina’s land, she immediately tries to thwart him. He persists in his quest, though, and soon finds that Gina is not just protecting her land, but a mysterious power underneath it.

Crave the Moon is the latest entry in Lori Handeland’s Nightcreatures series and is the best one so far. The characters are more nuanced than some of the prior books and are more realistically written. The plot is interesting, giving a really nice and fun twist on the traditional werewolf lore. The larger plot also works nicely with Gina’s personal storyline, as well. The romance aspects of the book are well-written as well. Fans of the series and of paranormal romance will greatly enjoy this book.

Reviewed by Barbara Cothern

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By Ellen Connor
Berkley Sensation, $15.00, 327 pages

Midnight by Ellen Connor is the second book in her Dark Age Dawning series. In a world where chaos reigns and nothing is as it seems Rosa has managed to eek out a small community where good people work together in order to survive. Chris is a drifter with an attitude. Rosa senses he is hiding something but knows his medical skills are needed in her small community. Struggling to survive and maintain her position Rosa tries to ignore the sexual tension growing between them only to find he is struggling with the same dilemma. Do they fall in love and risk it all or does Chris keep it simple and move on like he always does?

Midnight is a fascinating new world that pulls the reader in. While the premise can be a bit confusing, the idea is a great one and this author does a beautiful job of bringing the world to life. The characters of Chris and Rosa are real and gritty, honest people that want more in their lives. The sex scenes are numerous and steamy and the story entertaining. If you are a fan of paranormal romance and looking for something a little different definitely give Midnight a try.

Reviewed by Rebecca Feuerbacher

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By Sophie Jordan
Avon, $7.99, 370 pages

Grier Hadley is not your average debutante. The illegitimate heir to the owner of a gambling empire, Grier has little to recommend her. Worse, at 23 years old, she is far past her prime as most ladies of the town are happy to point out. Down in the dumps, Grier has the misfortune to encounter Prince Sevastian. The prince, who is on the hunt for the perfect princess, looks down on Grier and her lowly beginnings. In a series of unfortunate events, Grier and Sevastian find themselves thrown together. Though they make an unlikely couple, neither can deny the passion that burns between them.

Wicked in Your Arms by Sophie Jordan is a traditional, straightforward, historical romance. It is exactly what you would expect from a historical romance. Comforting and familiar, fun and lighthearted, it entertains and amuses. It is an easy and fun weekend read.

Reviewed by Rebecca Feuerbacher

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By Jeffrey Stepakoff
Thomas Dunne Books, $29.99, 304 pages

Grace Lyndon single-mindedly pursues her career with great success. She creates flavors and scents for a large company in Atlanta, and has achieved respect in her field and financial security. One day, her assistant hands her an apple, and it dazzles her with its unusual aroma and taste. Her pursuit of its origin leads her to Georgia apple country, where she meets the young daughter of the orchard owner where the apple was grown. As she tries to persuade the widowed farmer to let her capture the essence of the apples he grows, feelings on both sides begin to blossom. Suspense builds when they find their future together threatened by the past.

Jeffrey Stepakoff has written for many TV series, including The Wonder Years, Sisters, and Dawson’s Creek. He has also written motion pictures, including Disney’s Tarzan and Brother Bear. He authored Fireworks Over Toccoa as well. His sensitive treatment of a love story is laudable. The descriptions of the beautiful countryside and the poignant story make this novel an enjoyable read. Anyone who likes a good romance will love this book about two people who are instantly attracted to each other, yet have little in common with their lifestyles.

Fran Byram

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